Emplpyee Retention Strategies


Effective employee retention strategies

 According to Pam Backer and Shaun Sutner (2003),Companies concerned about retaining valued employees can take several immediate actions in key areas to help bolster their retention programs and lower turnover rates.

  •  On boarding

Companies that are committed to keeping employees usually start with the hiring and on boarding process, providing new employees with proper training and orientation about the company's culture. They also allow new employees the opportunity to ask questions about their jobs and communicate with their superiors. Flexible or hybrid work schedules are often offered to employees, or at least polled, in order to enhance work-life balance and the overall employee experience.

  • Recognition, rewards and compensation 

Some firms utilize systematic recognition and incentive systems to demonstrate their appreciation for their personnel. Some organizations utilize employee engagement software, which incorporates gamification and other approaches to recognize employees and give prizes and advantages such as retail discounts. Employers also prioritize competitive pay by employing employee compensation management software to compare pay rates to standards for certain areas, job titles, and performance ratings.

  •  Benefits

Employers strive to stand out in the employment process by providing a variety of perks, including voluntary, employee-paid, and corporate-subsidized options. Newer forms of benefits include lower-cost, higher-deductible health insurance plans, pet insurance, educational debt payback programs, and legal advice.

  • Performance feedback and reviews

Many businesses do not wait for an annual review to evaluate an employee's performance in order to foster excellent communication and openness, especially with the rise of remote and hybrid work forces. Instead, managers have frequent one-on-one meetings with workers to offer constructive feedback, discuss their professional interests and aspirations on a regular basis, and stimulate fresh ideas.

  • Training, education and development

Companies offer employees opportunities for progress through programs that include upskilling, succession planning, and participation at conferences and webinars. They also support initiatives that connect employees with mentors who may provide assistance and training in a specific area of expertise.

  • Perks

To foster work-life balance, firms provide flexible work schedules, time off, and shorter work weeks; telecommuting through work-from-home schedules; and remote work alternatives for prolonged vacation and holiday location stays. They also train managers to urge their staff to take holidays.

  • Amenities

Employers are increasingly offering office perks such as ergonomic and standing workstations, subsidized lunches, free refreshments, childcare, senior care, and leisure areas with activities like ping-pong and pool.


 Employee Retention Strategies : Best practices  

As state of Shani Jay (2024),There are some key steps organizations can take to implement employee engagement and retention strategies and maximize their effectiveness. 

  • Collect employee feedback – regularly conduct stay interviews to find out what your employees like about working at your organization, and identify key areas of improvement. Make the changes needed to improve your retention rates. 
  •  Track employee turnover and employee retention metrics – knowing who stays at your organization and who leaves will help you design more targeted employee retention strategies. For example, if you notice that it’s predominantly women who leave your company after a year (while men stay), then you could take a deeper look at your promotion rates, salary data, and other potential reasons that drive them to leave.  
  • Encourage open communication between employees, managers, and leaders – if employees feel comfortable expressing their concerns and ideas to managers and leaders, these issues can be proactively addressed rather than building up and snowballing. Solutions that boost employee satisfaction can be implemented, which helps to build a culture of mutual respect and trust.

Key takeaways

  • Why employee retention matters: Employee retention is important because it can save you money, boost team morale and knowledge retention, increase your competitiveness, increase business growth, and lead to better collaboration.

  • The best employee retention strategies: The best retention strategies focus on all stages of the employee lifecycle, from attraction, to hiring, to onboarding, and beyond. Taking simple steps like providing fair compensation and benefits, flexible work arrangements, performance management, recognition, and total well-being can help you retain your top talent. 

  • Best practices for implementation: Collect regular feedback from employees who stay and leave, track turnover and other key metrics, and encourage an open line of communication between employees, managers, and leaders to build a culture of trust.


As a result,Employee retention approach is a plan that firms develop and use to decrease employee turnover, avoid attrition, boost retention, and enhance employee engagement. While a certain amount of turnover is unavoidable, developing a retention plan to reduce as many employee turnover as possible may save a company time and money.



Backer P. & Sutner S. (2003), Employee Retention [Online], Available at :https://www.techtarget.com/searchhrsoftware/definition/employee-retention [Accessed on 31st March 24]

Jay S.(2024),10+Top Employee Retention Strategies for 2024 to keep your top talent [Online], Available at :https://www.aihr.com/blog/employee-retention-strategies/ [Accessed on 03rd April 24]


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